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DFM Exclusive Interview with Prostitute Disfigurement

5 Aug 2010

Member: cjjeepercreeper

I have one, "Why do you choose to play such garbage and call it music?" There you go, thank you, I'll take my prize now.

Ha-ha you’re certainly are aiming for the ‘most annoying question’ award here. Just a shot in the dark, but I guess we’re just five juvenile peter-pan syndrome retards with a very bad taste in music. And we’re just lucky not everyone shares your opinion.

Member: irule
Why did you guys split up and then reform so quickly?

To be honest those 2 years where long enough for me. Bored out of my mind by just sitting behind my pc watching porn and playing MMORPG’s.

The reason we decided to take a break from PD was because our former lead guitarist Roel was fed up playing brutal death metal (well the death metal scene in general). He walked with these thoughts for quite some time and when it took our record company 1 year to release the latest album he took actions.
We reformed because there never was an actual split-up to begin with. The rest of us always kept in touch and finally found a good replacement for Roel in Danny.

Member: irule
Out of all the death metal bands from the Netherlands, you have some of the sickest lyrics and imagery. Have you ever run into any censorship troubles? And did it influence the slightly tamer lyrical ideas on Descendants?

Yes, we did have problems with censorship, but this is mainly in the Netherlands itself. We’ve never had any problems abroad. Especially the one song on the first album (Rotting away…) has given us some hard time booking clubs in the Netherlands. Although it looks a lot better now.
I think this resulted in slightly tamer lyrics. Which are still sick I think, but maybe matured a bit.

Member: irule
Any plans for a new album?

Definitely! There’s already some new stuff written. Hopefully we’ll start recording sometime spring next year.

Member: irule
Why doesn't your website work? It all redirects to news from 2007.

Simply because the five of us are incapable to write in HTML. MySpace is up to date and being pimped as we speak (by someone else of course).We should have taken the .com site down al long ago, but It’s been under control by the record company. So it’s up to them.

Member: misanthrone
Why did they give up on the piggy vocals? (good choice btw)

As the music changed a bit over the years (leaning a bit more to just plain death metal). We though the piggy-vocals where a bit out of place. In our opinion the Left in grisly fashion album should have been recorded without the piggy-vocals, but that’s just in retrospect.
Yet there are plans to reintroduce the piggy-vocals on occasion in the new material, but just on the parts that ask for it.

Member: jwalker
Do you consider misogyny to be cool and how do you feel about the perpetuation of women hating in the death metal scene?

The fact misogyny is still a topic in this millennium is ridiculous of course. All the more reason to write about it. This answer will definitely get me on the good foot with the misses ha-ha.
The PD concept is based on serial killers in general (the band name on the Yorkshire Ripper specifically). Simply most of them exploited their fantasies on easy prey as prostitutes. We’re amazed by the fact there are people out there with the urge to kill women ( in the most gruesome ways) and feel the need to express that in our lyrics.
Personally I’m not that bothered with the mark that’s on the death metal scene. I think this type of music will always offend masses as it has always done.

Member: Waffen
Prostitute Disfigurement. The act of mutilating a lady of the night. My QUESTION: If you had a nasty accident that left you permanently disfigured tell us what you would most like to suffer (ie. which part of your body and what kind of damage).

Ha-ha nice one! Maybe a hail shot from close distance though the brain, because I forget to use it mostly anyway? Or getting dismembered by a freight train just leaving parts scattered over a mile of rail. Good riddance ha-ha.
Or like the Wayne Bobbit incident, but not to be able to get it sowed back on. Good riddance….again ha-ha.

Member: Basher
Why did you reformed?

Well, because we could…

Member: MODOS
Then I would like to know which influences they had to become a musician and furthermore which influences they had to form this band.

For me personally death/black metal itself was influential to pick up the bass. My father played bass when he was a teen and his bass was collecting dust in the attic so I borrowed it from him. It was a (Paul McCartney) violin bass so I had to save up money quick for something more adequate for metal ha-ha. Niels and I have been in bands since we we’re 15/16 and we both listened to death metal even before that. I think the music from that era (late 80’s early ’90) has been of great influence to us personally as well as for PD.
We started PD in 2000 merely as a joke to try and make some porno grind, but since no one in the band actually listen to that kind of music it quickly became death metal on its self.

Which band(s) was/were their archetype? This question goes out to all band members

For me (Pat): Hmm tricky I listen to myriad of music. Morbid Angel, Diabolical Masquerade, Queensryche, Katatonia and Lady Gaga perhaps.

Danny: Iron Maiden

Niels1: Burzum

Niels2: Enrique Iglesias

Michiel (Stinkor): Nana Moskouri

(they we’re too late with responding to my email).

Member: Death_Medic
What do you think of the dilution of the term "Heavy Metal"?

I honestly never thought about it that way. Well I don’t see this as a negative aspect. In concept all forms of metal sprout from the early Heavy Metal and some got a bit more extreme along the way. My folks still refer to the term Heavy Metal when they tell their acquaintances what music we make. And I couldn’t be bothered less.

Member: Death_Medic
Also do you that there is an over saturation of death metal bands due to the "basement" bands?

If people enjoy making this type of music I can only support that. Who am I to say they shouldn’t. Fresh blood keeps the scene alive. We started out as a “bedroom” band making songs on the drum machine (we still make songs this way before we take it to rehearsals).

Member: der_wichtig (recently got married May 15th)
Can I get an autograph?

Congratulations on your marriage! So you got your wings clipped and got chained Ha-ha. Just Kidding. Haven’t popped the question over here and someone’s getting anxious about it ha-ha. But sure you can have an autograph. Just get in contact through MySpace or email.

Member: Messiah
Why do you think there aren't more women Brutal Death and Goregrind Bands?

Hmm maybe it’s like the late James Brown said: “This is a men’s world”. Well I know some women that play in brutal bands, but it’s mostly men yes. Maybe most women don’t have the ambition to be in a band the way men do.

Member: Pyrates
If you had a kid (maybe you do...), at what age would you play her your music?

Guitar player Niels is the only parent in the band. But I think if we had children the music can be played instantly (maybe not as loud as we used to), but the slip covers stay in the CD closet behind closed bars.
Teletubbies and Prostitute Disfigurement what better combination is there? Both absolutely no substance ha-ha.

Member: Pyrates
When would you tell/explain to her what you sing about?

Think it’s rated R. So what’s that 18+?

Member: Pyrates
What would you say to her if she asks why?

I would tell them their father is an idiot…and they know I’m right.

Member: Pyrates
Also, when will you buy her her first chainsaw?

As soon as I’m weary of life ha-ha.

Member: the_Fallen_Chivo
What do you think of President Obama and his political agenda..?

I have absolutely no interest in world politics and don’t really have an opinion on that.
Bit odd though the American government is not paying any attention to the Dutch proposals to help concerning the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. We have the equipment, knowledge and capacity to help out, but only native corporations are involved and things are getting out of hand rapidly.

Member: Death_Medic
What do you think of Thomas Gorraths firing from his job as a philosophy teacher for refusing to give up his ties to Debauchery, if put into the same situation would you choose PD or your current employer?

This is pure choice. There are many employers and as far as I know only one PD so this choice is easily made, but I think I won’t encounter this problem since my employer knows in what band I play (she even showed her boyfriend some YouTube video’s and had a good laugh).

Member: misanthrone
Who writes your lyrics and does he / she graduated from highschool already?

Niels (vocals) writes most of the lyrics. I (Pat) wrote some of the lyrics on Deeds of derangement, Left in Grisly Fashion and Descendants of Depravity. Niels2 (Guitars) also wrote some lyrics for Embalmed Madness and Deeds of Derangement. We all got kicked off kindergarten and started working at the age of five.

Member: misanthrone
Which is the best dutch goth metal band, Within Temptation or Epica or maybe After Forever?

In my opinion all of the bands you mentioned above are crap (no offence). I would rather listen to hip-hop or Lady Gaga. Oops here we go again…’Hello, hello baby you called I can’t hear a thing’… Can’t get that stupid song out of my head!

Member: Death_Medic
How and who came up with the band name PD?

We’d just finished the song ‘Prostitute Disfigurement’ (based on the Yorkshire Ripper) for the Embalmed Madness album and at that time we we’re still called Disfigured. We noticed more bands had the same name so we had to find a new one. So it became PD.

Member: Death_Medic
What is their inspiration for writing these songs?

Boredom, idiocy and oppression by past/current girlfriends.

Member: Daniem
To create something interesting for the fans to listen is a hard task, since what we have today is a lot of Death Metal bands, with a great variety of approaches (speed, slam, low grunts, tech, among others). How Prostitute Disfigurement is working to maintain its identity in the scene?

Mainly just trying to make music we would like to listen to ourselves I guess.

Member: Daniem
Would you invest in new features or just don't bother about this facts and keep the good old school formula?

We’re always up for new ideas to add to the old formula (well if they don’t wander off too far from it conservative as we are). Since we’ve got our old guitar player back and gained a new one I think it’s going to be interesting where this is going to lead us. We’re definitely going to hell anyway.

Member: Death_Medic
Is there any plans for PD to tour the US?

Would be about f*ckin’ time indeed! We always had the aspiration to do so, but never had a good offer that wouldn’t cost us a shitload of money.

Member: spinemaggot
Do you believe in the literal meaning of your band's name?

The literal meaning is daily truth so what isn’t there to believe in? Prostitutes do get disfigured and get ditched on the side of the road all over the globe. Sorry for the rhetorical question, but if it wasn’t true I wouldn’t have the foggiest idea what to write about…Well lyrics about Satan always do well ha-ha.

Member: SiriusCreations (does not participate in the contest)
First of all thank you for your time to do this interview and before we go to the last question, is there something news of you, you want to share with us?

No problem. Thank you guys for the support and the repetitive strain injuries from typing! To the rest of you guys thanks for the interesting questions. Hopefully I’ve answered most of them to your satisfaction. Nothing new really yet just doing some gigs in Europe so check out the dates.

For now thank you, goodnight and beat up your women!

Member: SiriusCreations (does not participate in the contest)
Now it is time to decide which of the members (questions 1 to 28) will win the prize. We have three prizes, The album Descendants Of Depravity signed by the band members, a Death.FM T-shirt and A new signed photograph of the band anno 2010.

The Album goes to the one with the most interesting question. Question number 7 by jwalker

The T-Shirt goes to the funniest/hilarious question. Question number 8 by Waffen

The Signed Photograph goes to the most irritating question. Question number 1 by cjjeepercreeper. Just to annoy him with our heads on a photograph.


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