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 There are 949 Reviews Done 

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Skepticism - Ordeal
It's a bit of an Ordeal...for some
By: SummoningEternalNightMCMX
Date: 17 Oct 2015

Skepticism's motto might well be If It Ain't Broke Don't Fix It. Their sound hasn't changed much in the last 20 years. Keyboard sounding like church organs, crushing riffs and stentorian vocals, all performed at the speed of continental drift. There's nothing here that would sound out of place on Stormcrowfleet.

And that's okay because most fans will accept anything except change, as bands like Ahab have discovered when they try to change their style.

1 of 1 found this review helpful

Six Feet Under - Alive And Dead
Alive and Dead
By: Katahl
Date: 28 Sep 2015

So this is just a short EP that came out between Haunted and Warpath. There are four live tracks that didn't get added probably because they are songs from the first album but could also be that they just aren't that great. So, just three tracks here, one cover so in a way just two tracks. They sound a lot like they could have been on the first album with maybe a twinge of a Warpath type sound in "Insect". "Drowning" just has Haunted written all over it (and is one of the main reasons I donated this). So you could think of these songs as bonus tracks from the first album (which is probably their best).

4 of 4 found this review helpful

Agalloch - Mantle, The
By: ahsanimam
Date: 17 Jul 2015

Agalloch are one of the few outfits who had managed to create their own distinctive tone and atmosphere. Haughm's creativity is not only reflected from the diverse use of instruments and effects but also from the lyrical theme that has created an ambience with meaning and concept. I have been the admirer of Agalloch for many years. I have listened many similar acts like them but the overall atmosphere, effects and multiple instruments use, Haughm's use of clean/raw vocals, concept behind each track and last but not the least the cold narcotic feeling I feel is just what I can't explain. Their music is not for mainstream, I can deliberately say.

"The Mantle" brought another masterpiece from Agalloch, Death in June & Godspeed inspired guitar blend is the foreground of this LP. Their influence from the filmography is reflected from "The Hawthorne Passage"; the influence from a folklore is much more reflected from "...and the Great Cold Death of the Earth" and from the deer skull chants on "The Lodge" and Nietzsche is reflected from "In the Shadow of Our Pale Companion"; the use of accordion & mandolin had brought a mellow tone in "A Desolation Song" and somewhat the sing-speak texture made this a little different from the other songs. Well, I was reading their interviews and they said they were actually portraying some images and wanted to express those via this album and each song is actually depicting its own story. Long passage of instruments mainly acoustics and leads are making a soothing and melancholy environment.

Their music varies from atmospheric black metal to post-metal and post-rock with progressive rock influence but they describe it simply as dark metal and yes they are dark and cold. A best companion on a frosty night with nocturnal silence everywhere. You just can't get enough of this album, I bet.


Besides from the concept and other things, I had been remain curious about the use of effects that Haughm does and I got lucky to see his pedalboard on and he said in the interview that his effects always give birth to songs mainly like the Nova Delay is behind “Ghosts Of The Midwinter Fires” which you can listen in the intro. Delay is the main secret behind many of his composition that's why he has three units of delay (MoogerFooger Analog Delay, the Boss DD-6 and the TC Electronic Nova Delay). The noticeable use of flanger can be listened in the mid of "In the Shadow of Our Pale Companion" and MXR Micro Flanger is behind it. A must read for any Agalloch admirer:
Signal chain of Haughm

Originally written for
Abyss of Salvation

2 of 2 found this review helpful

Uaral - Sounds Of Pain
The Most Horrible Way of Representing Beauty...
By: ahsanimam
Date: 2 Jul 2015

Uaral, the moment when I listened their sacred music I came to aware that life is more austere than death. The duo combined the real feelings, the real emotions and all the grief with their heart. This is soul touching music. In my opinion, unclassifiable. Uaral is love not lust. I seriously don't have words to describe the music. Something coming from the dark melancholy woods with swamps around the lake of tears and the mist around with a cold silence, nocturnal. The Chilean country-side and Uaral himself had inspired Aciago & Caudal so much that they inherited the mentor’s heritage in their veins and transformed in the form of their compositions.

"Sounds of Pain..." is the band's debut full-length. The lyrical theme mostly deals with sorrow, nature and experience of life with the use of classical Latin acoustic style guitar, flute and piano creates a mournful atmosphere. Much of the music in the album has a long passage of mixed instruments mainly acoustics and less vocals. The vocals are deep guttural growls creates a strong doom/death metal influence also Empyrium's Schwadorf style clean singing creates folk/atmospheric black metal environment. The songs also has laments, crying and all the bemoaning. I just lost in the chants, the whispering winds and the sound of rains. The sound varies with a non-linear song structure throughout the album.

This thing is a masterpiece. A perfect piece of depressive yet progressive music. Do read the interview of the duo on their un-official website. It sounds like souls are talking not humans. Bunch of thanks to the Iranian fans for making the website.

The epilogue is, listen this on a cold frosty night with full moon. You will be pleased. One of the best blend of doom/black/folk.

2 of 2 found this review helpful

Mourning Beloveth - Murderous Circus, A
By: Windsor
Date: 30 Jun 2015

It's hard to put in words about how good this album really is... Even though the tracks are long this is one of the few doom metal albums that are listenable the whole disc through. The guitar work is superb, the drums and bass play together perfectly to create a dreary and depressing sound that backs up the unique death vocals and sad whisperings of Darren Moore. And then comes the absolutely beautiful yet eerie melodic clean vocals of Frank Brennan. The pace of each song is murderously slow, yet very original with crushingly heavy and distorted guitars which are quite intricate, and, on the whole, combined with the stellar vocals, paint a portrait of absolute bleakness and a depression which feels very real. This is proper Irish Doom Metal. Quite possibly some of Mourning Beloveth's best work.

1 of 1 found this review helpful

Gojira - Terra Incognita
Best thing after French Fries...
By: ahsanimam
Date: 29 Jun 2015

The first interaction with Gojira was with "Love" and I was like WTF! is this the debut one? this thing is massive heavy. Progressive as well as technical death metal influence brought a brutal experimental package. The best thing is the non-linear composition of songs which is quite interesting, environmental friendly lyrical theme which is quite unusual yet impressive. The noticeable thing is the weird but heavy as fuck riffs but no solo at all so it is not the shredding enriched album (for those who thought some stuff similar to Necrophagist) , technical drumming (Mario made his name big apart from being a painter), Bass is what many says the most under-dominant thing and has a usual effect parallel to support guitar and drums but here it is in the foreground. I hear less Joe's vocals and more chugg chugaga chugg! anyhow, listen to "Space Time". "Love" and "In the Forest" to feel the painful bass banging your head. I feel an enormous nocturnal silence after listening these in headphones. "Lizard Skin" has gay style riffing but intro is good though. "Clone" is my favorite along with some other songs, simply a great opening track that overshadows the forthcoming tracks. "In the Forest" has a silence in between and after that a hidden track.
Overall, the album has an atmospheric thing rousing in between the compositions. Unique style, weird patterns and a blend of heavy alternate picking with pinch harmonics along with chugging like fuck along with kick-ass drumming and thick bass overcomes the cheesy growl/screamo. The beast thing comes after French Fries is Gojira.

Do listen.

Visit Abyss of Salvation

Doomed - Wrath Monolith
By: misanthrone
Date: 24 Jun 2015

Holy fuck is this ever heavy! Mind blowing doom/death, brutal and melodic, dense atmosphere, great vocals, masterpiece in this genre. The highligh of this genre in 2015

1 of 2 found this review helpful

Mayhem - Esoteric Warfare
By: misanthrone
Date: 24 Jun 2015

Great album no doubt about it. But nothing original, they remind me (too much I'd say) of the mighty Thorns and their self titled album. Norwegian black metal somewhat "industrialized", very tight and technical. As always with them, amazing drums.

Emeth - Aethyr
Brutal allright
By: misanthrone
Date: 24 Jun 2015

In top 5 death metal albums of 2014. Technical brutal death metal with obvious "core" influences which doesn't take anything away. Solid band, great staccato riffs, great drums I bet live they sound great.

Sarpanitum - Blessed Be My Brothers...
By: misanthrone
Date: 24 Jun 2015

So far this is my fave album in 2015. This sounds incredible, absolutely glorious death metal. Fast, furious, technical , brutal and at the same time epic death metal masterpiece. Kinda reminds me of old Monolith Deathcult but better I dare to say. Highest recommendation!

3 of 3 found this review helpful

95 pages: 1 2 3 ... 7 8 9 ... 93 94 95 


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