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 There are 948 Reviews Done 

95 pages: 1 2 3 ... 83 84 85 ... 93 94 95 

Origin - Antithesis
Best out there
By: CephalotripsY
Date: 26 Mar 2009

This album just kick's ass

5 of 9 found this review helpful

Thorns - Thorns
Stellar Master Elite
By: misanthrone
Date: 25 Mar 2009

This is the band that started the industrial/black metal madness.. they’ve released some weird demo back in the “church burning” era, which sounded different, though it wasn’t industrial.. Snorre spent some time in jail also, and then he released what is the most impressive industrialized black metal ever.. fast black metal plus industrial background, this is an absolute masterpiece.. my favorite black metal of all time, although this is not classical black.. best way to describe this is using the title of one of their tracks: “stellar master elite”!.. they haven’t released anything else, except for a killer split with Emperor, in the same industrialized way.. maybe it is better that they stopped, it would be impossible to surpass this..

3 of 6 found this review helpful

Mayhem - Grand Declaration Of War
Insane and weird
By: misanthrone
Date: 23 Mar 2009

Mayhem is the most worshipped and also the most hated band in BM scene.. with this album, they tried to push BM into new territories.. lots of people see it as a failed experiment, however I think they proved once again to be an essential band for the scene.. indeed, this is vey experimental, BM mixed with weird synths, non-metal tracks, some clean vocals, very unlike Mayhem.. the result is interesting, sure they could’ve done a better job sometimes, but I like it.. I was especially impressed with Hellhammer’s drumming on this.. he’s the best in the scene, his drums are always great but here they are just insane.. very progressive drums, which gives Hellhammer the chance to show his immense potential, just outstanding, I was blown away.. he’s like one of those Indian mythological creatures with 1000 hands.. drumming – 5/5, the rest 3/5..

5 of 5 found this review helpful

Aborym - With No Human Intervention
The future of black metal
By: misanthrone
Date: 23 Mar 2009

Is this the future of black metal?.. it sure seems so.. the combination of black and industrial is starting to draw attention more and more these days.. what seemed to be an unlikely marriage is now a reality.. this is Aborym’s best, and it sounds like complete chaos.. organized chaos to put it nicely.. very apocalyptic, lots of synths/keyboards, non-metal tracks, hardcore techno beats (gabber style) and above all a very dark aura.. they still have the satanic concept, expressed in a very futuristic way.. all this made by a stellar line-up.. the title tracks is their most “complete”, you will find here all the above-mentioned influences.. insane satanic SF black metal!

1 of 2 found this review helpful

Tsjuder - Desert Northern Hell
Norse black metal
By: misanthrone
Date: 19 Mar 2009

The best opus of Tsjuder.. after a few decent albums, lost in the black metal sea, they matured and released something truly worthy.. the speed has been reduced, but the weight has increased 1000 times.. Just listen to “Mouth of madness” – awesomeness of a song.. the production has improved a lot, everything can be heard loud & clear.. probably they improved their technique too.. all in all, a great piece of Norse black metal..

3 of 4 found this review helpful

Samael - Reign Of Light
Reign of what?
By: misanthrone
Date: 19 Mar 2009

This is the end of Samael as a worthy band.. beats me what the hell is up with those guys.. if they insist on this direction electro/cosmic whatever, they should have done it like on “Passage” album, which is the perfect combination between old and new Samael.. instead, they try to be a darker version of Rammstein and they fail.. the sound is very synthetic, probably intentionally, and they fall flat.. this is no Rammstein, just some poor industrialized dark metal.. Xy is such a great keyboardist but here, he’s just confuse.. the drums/beats are the most annoying part, the vocals are monotonous.. and this cosmic/solar whatever concept is too much for them, Samael is not the right band to handle this, therefore it looks pretty silly.. in best case this looks like a kitsch..

1 of 3 found this review helpful

Falkenbach - ...En Their Medh Riki Fara...
By: misanthrone
Date: 19 Mar 2009

The most blood-boiling album I’ve ever listened to.. the heaviest of their career, much more black metal, the new ones being 100% pagan with not even a trace of black.. so, this is heathen/pagan/black with great atmosphere.. just listen to “heathenpride”, it will truly make your blood boil.. epic parts mixed with black metal music, this is the perfect soundtrack for a Viking invasion.. you can almost see the drakkars in the fog and Lindisfarne burned to the ground.. really, if the Vikings would’ve had this music they would use it for their invasion.. the cool part about this is that it manages to create images in your head, just like a good book.. all hail Falkenbach!

4 of 5 found this review helpful

Brutality - When The Sky Turns Black
Good old days
By: misanthrone
Date: 19 Mar 2009

The perfect name for a death metal band and the perfect album for death metal music.. it is way more technical than “Screams of anguish” and also heavier.. you can listen to the best death metal cover ever for “Electric funeral” – absolutely outstanding.. also you can verify their excellent skills on the instrumental “Violent generation” – not many bands do that, since you can no longer hide your impotence behind the vocal (like many dm bands do).. harsh vocals, aggressive/technical guitars, blasting drums - all in all a monster piece of death metal..

4 of 5 found this review helpful

Hieronymus Bosch - Human Abstract, The
By: misanthrone
Date: 19 Mar 2009

This was my personal discovery in 2008.. although the album was released much earlier it’s only recently that I’ve bumped into it..
This is technical/progressive death metal on its peak.. in the vein of Cynic but more aggressive.. beautiful passages cut by heavy guitars and harsh vocals.. everything seems well calculated, executed with astounding precision.. the cover looks awesome, truly in the vein of Hieronymus Bosch.. best track: “Thought Racism Forms”.

3 of 3 found this review helpful

Immortal - At The Heart Of Winter
Freezing north
By: misanthrone
Date: 19 Mar 2009

this was the 1st time Immortal tried to play something else.. and they did it in a fantastic way.. also for the 1st time you don’t see their faces on the cover:).. very mature, technical, speedy, with the same freezing atmosphere, but this time much more complex.. the longest tracks of their career, influences from heavy metal, excellent guitar work, drumming and vocals.. not even one single weak track which is rare.. black metal at it’s best..

10 of 10 found this review helpful

95 pages: 1 2 3 ... 83 84 85 ... 93 94 95 


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