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 There are 948 Reviews Done 

95 pages: 1 2 3 ... 92 93 94 95 

Taake - Nekro
Nekrotic Festerings.
By: Waffen
Date: 4 Oct 2008

I can't fuckin' get over Taake. Personally they have single handedly restored black metal to its former glory and re-installed the old atmosphere of hatred and bleakness.

Anyway...Nekro. The first thing you notice, as with the other Taake E.Ps, is the differing sound of the guitars. Gone are the clean Maidenesque quitars of the albums and are replaced by heavy sounding ones with rasping quality like a hive of wasps stuck inside a sweaty cunt. the vocals are fucked-up and as the name suggests fuckin' Nekro all the way. Imagine an undead smack addict being pumped full of crack-cocaine and given a microphone. This is heroin black metal through and through.

Voldtekt starts off ok and is pretty normal BM until half way though when it launches into one of the most smakked-up druggy riffs I have ever heard. There are traces of punk in there but it is far too hardcore for that and summons the rest of the junkie undead from the Necropolis to gang-rape your sister up the arse.

Lamb is a quick little ditty that would be good used in Rodeo stadiums where the contestants ride electrified Bison!

Hennes Kalde Skamlepper really makes the EP. Its Taake applying their unusualy forulas from the albums into this wierd twilight zone of zombies and heroin. Like a bad dream it changes pace without warning and carries you away on waves of uncertainty. All the while Nekro vocals pummel you. There are about three different vocal tracks overlayed, at least that what it sounds like. Fucking berzerk. Then it slow for the middle section where all the undead stop slaughtering to shoot up again and then start tripping out. The last 5 minutes really is your sister being anally gang raped by the Nekro addicts. Samples too.

I wish this was out back in the early 90's when I did a lot of acid, would have been awesome to listen to tripping. Oh well.

In summary: This is fucking class. Fuckin' NEKRO.


4 of 5 found this review helpful

Khold - Masterpiss Of Pain
Pissing All Over The Place.
By: Waffen
Date: 4 Oct 2008

I remember the first time I heard the Khold sampler tracks off the Moonfog website. I had never heard anything like the 1 minute 20 seconds of Rovnatt before and was blow away. I ordered the CD the next day and ever since have been a stringent supporter of Khold.

The medium paced to slow paced 'groovy' (I hate that phrase) arrangements and riffs really offer something that was new and so uniquely Khold. Like a sountrack to your own suicide or theme tunes for people who go scuba diving at sewage farms, its a black sludge fest with evil doom and dirty black cauterized together by underground scientists.

The cover is totally funny and great too, like it is Khold being shit into existence. Just the name Masterpiss made me guffaw with laughter. You can't knock Khold. can actually. As much as I like them Khold are inconsistent. There are some songs here that are a little boring and feel like thery are just there to fill up the album. Its the same with all Khold's albums to date. But having said that the good songs really make up for that and you can concrete them into the wall of black metal like the dead bodies in a house of horror.

On the whole this album was a good solid start to Khold's discography and one which still draws me back.


3 of 3 found this review helpful

Marduk - Rom 5:12
By: Daniem
Date: 26 Sep 2008

Well, well, where should I start?

After the unexpected exit of Legion, people were worried. His work as frontman in Marduk was beyond any kind of judgement; easily his name appeared in every top list of the best vocalists in the Black Metal scene. And then he leaves... the fans started to have doubts about the future of Marduk.

The new vocalist was announced: Mortuus. Right after that, Marduk releases Plague Angel, an album full of controversies. It was clear that Mortuus' vocals were quite different than Legion's. Lots of people were disapointed with the new face of Marduk; they said no one could replace Legion, that Marduk was over... Well, they were wrong.

Here we have Rom 5:12. I can't write about this album without mention Mortuus' performance. It is just OUTSTANDING (yeah, with capital letters). The recording quality is better than Plague Angel, and his voice was highlighted. Then we could see what Mortuus was able to do; to make a fine definition, seems like a mummy woke up after thousands of years in deadly sleep and started to vomit words. It is pure violence and wrath, just what Black Metal demands.

The rest of the band, we all know them well. Fast, heavy, brutal Black Metal... 1st class material. To own this CD is almost an obligation for all who knows a good stuff. Listen it from the beginning 'til the end is quite an experience. The playlist selection is great, seems like we're listening to one big song, mixing fast moments (Cold Mouth Prayer, Through The Belly Of Damnation, Limbs Of Worship...) and slow groovy songs (Imago Mortis and the excellent Accuser, Opposer, with the nice participation of Primordial's Naihmass Nemtheanga).

I wasn't so impressed by a particular album in a long time. Rate 5/5.

8 of 9 found this review helpful

Scar Symmetry - Holographic Universe
By: spinemaggot
Date: 21 Sep 2008


2 of 5 found this review helpful

Tulus - Biography Obscene
Tulus - Biography Obscene
By: Waffen
Date: 19 Sep 2008

Remember taking LSD as a teenegaer? I do...remember it well. The highs, the lows, the wierdness! With the exception of Pan Thy Monium, Tulus is the audiable equivalent of tripping.

Sure this is their 4th album, and most accomplished. Two of the 3 members from Khold gaining more writing experience from several years away from Tulus. This shows in the song writing right from the start. On the whole a more consistent and refined affort.

Biography Obscene is nuts! You don't usually associate piano, violin, female vocals and acoustic guitar in the same song where black metal is concerened, but Tulus make it work in a grim, gritty and nekro style that is truly unique.

Mainly mid-paced this album defies all the know 'rules' of this genre. Sure parts of it sound similar to khold but that soon evaporates into streamers of darkness that linger while the ears are elsewhere (just like tripping). It is probably a good thing that acid is no longer available where I live...maybe irule can volunteer for some shrooms and a night on Tulus!

The singing is routine Khold/Tulus stuff but the arrangements are berzerk with classical style string instruments beefing up the atmosphere. The riffing is really interesting and varied with each song ofering something different.

I read that they take their influence from Norse Fairy Tales and Stories, if thats the case all these must be about Trolls ritually fisting each other and Krakens head-butting collosal breasts with vikings being slaughtered wholesale on a bed of special lettuace!

Anyone wanting a different black metal experience would do well to check this album out. For originality 9/10

2 of 2 found this review helpful

Taake - ...Doedskvad
By: Waffen
Date: 18 Sep 2008

For me Taake has reinvented Black Metal and rekindled the old flames from the early 90's with a devastating new agenda.

You can say goodbye to verse/chorus/verse structure and be baffled and amazed at what Host can conjour. Just when you think you know whats coming; Blam! A totally unexpected key, tempo or riff change smacks you in the face like a frozen kipper.

All the way through this album, there are riffs all over the place, wierd little bits of singing along with the guitar and downright strange arrangements. Blastbeats, slowbeats, audible bass lines and catchy melodies. Sounds a bit dodgy the word melody and I hate associating it with Black Metal but that's essentially what drives the songs here. Old school sounding riffs from the majestic to the raw, rocking riffs that really have no place but oddly they work....Taake always keeps you guessing.

Personally I think this album only has one weak point, Part IV is weaker that the other tunes on the menu. If it was as good as the other songs this would be a perfect album.

Aside from that 'blip' this album is right up there on Waffen's BM rostrum with Shadowthrone and Opus Nocturne. 9.5/10

10 of 10 found this review helpful

Winds Of Plague - Decimate The Weak
Diverse and Skillful
By: Darkness_In_Mayberry
Date: 15 Sep 2008

This cd crushes with brutality and articulate playing all at once. They range from fast paced grind-core then swing into slow sludge grind and even a little hard-core for an added flavor all in just one song. And this is all done with great dexterity among each one of the musicians. Killer new stuff. I recommend highly. \,,/

6 of 6 found this review helpful

Cannibal Corpse - Gore Obsessed
By: skatman
Date: 14 Sep 2008

this is one of Cannibal Corpses Best. from start to finish this album is incredible, great, fast paced death metal. George CorpseGrinder Fisher on vocals who is the better of the 2, corpsegrinder can go faster and higher than chris barnes ever could. standout songs - Pit Of Zombies, Drowning In Viscera and Compelled To Lacerate

7 of 10 found this review helpful

Beneath The Massacre - Mechanics Of Dysfunction
BenEAth T3H M4ZZaCr3!
By: skatman
Date: 14 Sep 2008

teh album iz awesome

1 of 6 found this review helpful

Goratory - Rice On Suede
By: Modos
Date: 4 Sep 2008

Kicks arses !!!

2 of 6 found this review helpful

95 pages: 1 2 3 ... 92 93 94 95 


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