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 There are 948 Reviews Done 

95 pages: 1 2 3 ... 93 94 95 

Blasphemous Creation - Shadows Of Evil
Blasphemous Creation - Shadows Of Evil review by Mike Hochins
By: Evilone
Date: 20 May 2008

Blasphemous Creation-Shadows of Evil
(Independent, 2008)

This one really took me by surprise and I love every second of it. This Reno based band is a full throttle assault of evil and black metal infused thrash metal paced relentlessly and with killer riffs to spare. Vintage German thrash metal from the likes of Kreator or Destruction mixes with an early black metal edge giving the band a sound that isn't entirely all that dissimilar to a band like Nifelheim. It's fast and on the verge of collapsing which is a nice change because metal has certainly become much too safe. This is four guys giving 100% and playing some kick ass metal in the process, it's that simple.

The riffing while somewhat simple in nature, has a raw intensity that evokes the same feel as the early bands on the genre. The riffs are slightly melodic and very catchy reinforcing the old school nature but maintaining a fairly modern guitar tone as well. This is more so an old school flavored band more so than an old school sounding band if you get what I mean. Vocally the band reminds me of Abbath from Immortal and that is definitely a complement. The vocals are powerful and clear but have enough rasp to let you know that this is definitely black metal inspired music. The solos are pure Slayer worship and it fits the music perfectly. Sure there are out of key notes, but the band captures the magic of the Show No Mercy and Hell Awaits albums quite well. The band is a bit rough around the edges at times, but it only adds to the chaotic nature of the band so it is almost a positive aspect of the bands sound.

Fans of everything of the classic of the thrash genre like Kreator to Sodom and for those of you that like the genre filtered through an evil atmosphere, this is definitely a band to keep an eye on. The rapid fire approach is sure to strike a chord with all fans of whiplash inspiring metal. This is a raw and energetic 4 song slab of metal from a band that is certainly a welcome addition to the blackened thrash genre.

4 of 5 found this review helpful

Abysmal Torment - Epoch Of Methodic Carnage
Snare drum on these CD
By: Stuka_Kommandant
Date: 2 May 2008

Best snare-sound ever! Hailz...

10 of 13 found this review helpful

Eluveitie - Slania
Eluveitie - Slania
By: hypnoticnightmare
Date: 28 Apr 2008

As someone who likes to listen to the original In Flames album I found that Eluvetie are what In Flames may of been if they went in this direction (since InFlames started with alot of folk influance). They even have a Gothenburg metal sound . This group is probably best described as Celtic/Pagan Folk MeloDeath Metal. There sound is solid, if you listen to the entire album straight like I did at the end your a little relieved it's over but all and all a damn fine mix of heavy and soul. A few songs are even heavy enough to make it into my normal rotation notably Bloodstained Ground and Primortial Breath . Slania's Song is very reminiciant of early InFlames . Their Drummer has some amazing work on this album. Unfortunatly the violin-bagpipe-whisle-hurdy gurdy mix gets kinda stale and repeditive sounding on the latter half of this album so I gave it a 3.5 instead of a 4.

3 of 4 found this review helpful

Marduk - Panzer Division Marduk
Panzer Division Marduk
By: Waffen
Date: 24 Feb 2008

Where to start?

Possibly on of the most original and funny album titles in Black Metal, so quintessentially Marduk. Probably Marduk's finest release with the 'golden age' line up of Legion, B. War, Morgan Haakanson and Frederik Andersson. Its a panzer death ride from the opening title track all the way through their classics like 'Christ Raping Black Metal' and 'Fistfucking God's Planet' candidates for all time best song titles in this genre).

Its a blistering barrage of swift riffs and deadly drumming, married with Legion's grumpy undead Grandad singing. The whole album is delivered like a 10,000 inch Satan Pizza with extra hot lava sauce topping and brought to your ears by the Balrog pissed-up on Scotch Single Malt Whiskey driving one of those massive quarry front-loader shovels through your speakers and into your face.

Love it or hate it this album won't go away and deserves respect for a band sticking to what they want to do and doing it well.

17 of 19 found this review helpful

Decapitated - Organic Hallucinosis
Holy shit...
By: irule
Date: 15 Feb 2008

Decapitated are a Polish death metal outfit known for being child prodigies, and their last 3 albums brought them to the forefront of death metal. On this release they have a new vocalist, and he brings a unique flavor to Decapitated's new sound. However the sound on this recording may never be heard again after the tragic bus crash in 2007.

If you thought they were brutal before, this makes their old stuff sound melodic. The bass is deep and grooy. the guitar chugs through futuristic repititions and hypnotic solos. The spongwriting is progressive and the time singatures ridiculously off-kilter. All of this creates an atmosphere of being in an industrial world, a severed mind without hope or will. That's the best way I can describe the sound of this album. And it's ridiculously heavy on top of everything else. The lyrics are part political statement, such as Invisible Control being a take on New World Order theories, and part philosophical, like Revelation Of Existance. Covan's vocals create a whole new level of complexity, they aren't typical death metal vocals, more like a monotone chant, and i wish him a speedy recovery because he should stay with the band. The drums on here are impeccable. Vitek will always be remembered for the passion with which he played. These 7 songs are a testament to the loss felt by the whole metal world.

The bus crash that ended the life of Vitek, the heart and soul of the band, the departure of Martin and the health of Covan makes the future of this band unclear. If this album is their swansong, they went out with a fucking nuclear blast.

9 of 11 found this review helpful

Job For A Cowboy - Doom
By: hxchristian
Date: 20 Nov 2007

This cd is definitely worth a listen. The lyrics deal with plagues and death mixed with some hardcore blastbeats and breakdowns.
Songs to listen to:
The whole cd... no lie

7 of 10 found this review helpful

Watain - Casus Luciferi
Watain - Casus Luciferi
By: Waffen
Date: 2 Sep 2007

I don't really know where to start with this album......but here goes.

I don't know about you but as I get older I'm tending to be a bit of a nostalgic twat on occasion. When I finally got into this album (4 years after release) I just couldn't believe it. All my favourite styles from the golden age of Black MEtal are present but jumbled up into Watain's own sound. Imagine early Dissection, Marduk and Mayhem with some atmosphere like early Satyricon and a few Darkthrone moments all baked together at 1000 C in a huge black metal oven. To be more specific the first 2 Dissection albums, Opus Nocturne by Marduk and De Mysteriis.

There is no stopping the fury and darkness of this album and certainly no questioning Watain's ability in song writing.

There are no weak songs here but possibly the weakest are tracks 1 & 3. Inbetween there is the great mid paced 'Black Salvation' which is a great morbid juggernaught rumbling towards damnation.

The track that stands out for me the most is 'Puzzles Ov Flesh' even though I can't stand all this writing of like ov which Behemoth seem to have started. Dosen't anyone learn English these days lol. Its well agressive from the start with riffing blasting away like Autumnal Reaper from Opus Nocturne with some great drumming and changes in riffing. It really is a complete song and the bass lines are great too adding their own flavour of grimness to the mix.

Straight after that you're plunged into the massivley morbid and melancholy 'I Am The Earth' which is packed full of atmospheric goodness and includes more that 100% of your RDA of satanic vitamins.

The next track is fairly straight forward for Watain but then comes along 'From the Pulpits of Abomination' with some great guitar appegios and a fukkin brilliant catchy Celtic Frost/Darkthrone style riff in the 2nd half of the song. Then the album finishes up with the title track which is nothing short of a cheery on the icing for this album.

Unfortunatley Watain haven't got close to the variety and musicianship of Casus Luciferi on previous or current recordings to date. However, they still remain one of the best and (imo) most important acts in the, shall we say, second wave of BM. They're making sure people never forget the rots of the modern scene intentionally or unintentionally.

On the strength of this and the many levels of this album I rate it 5.0

8 of 10 found this review helpful

Dark Fortress - Seance
Dark Fortress "Seance"
By: Iranoctis
Date: 26 Jul 2007

DARK FORTRESS machen es einem auf "Seance" nicht einfach. Das Album beginnt mit drei belanglosen Stücken, die sich allesamt durch das gleiche eintönige Mid-Tempo schleppen.
"While They Sleep" beginnt genau wie die drei vorigen Lieder und man möchte schon fast die Skip-Taste betätigen, bevor man plötzlich von einer mystischen, ruhigeren Phase positiv überrascht wird. Der Song verspricht mehr und ist tatsächlich als Ruhe vor dem Sturm zu verstehen, denn mit "To Harvest The Artifacts Of Mockery" lassen DARK FORTRESS als nächstes einen absoluten Hit mit rasantem Tempo den geneigten Hörer überfahren. Wer jetzt freudig das nächste Lied erwartet wird nicht enttäuscht, denn auch "Poltergeist" erweist sich als gute Up-Tempo Nummer, die aber dem ebengenannten Song nicht ganz das Wasser reichen kann.
"Revolutionvanity" benötigt zwar mehr als einen Durchlauf um im Gehör steckenzubleiben, belohnt den Hörer dann allerdings mit wunderbarem Tempowechsel im Mittelteil und einen interessanten, wenn auch kurzen, gesprochenem Teil. Das Zwischenspiel "Incide" weiß mit seinen mehr als 5 Minuten(wovon ungefähr die Hälfte totale Stille ist) Langeweile noch einmal zu enttäuschen und auch das mit einem düsteren Sprechpart eingeläutete "Shardfigures" mag nicht so recht überzeugen. Das Problem dieses Songs ist eigentlich sympomatisch für das gesamte Album: der Anfang weckt Neugierde, der langweilige, fünfminütige Mid-Tempo Mittelteil schläfert einen ein und erst bei der fulminanten Schlussminute wacht man wieder auf und danach kann nicht wirklich sagen ob das jetzt ein guter oder schlechter Song war. Zum Schluss verwöhnt uns DARK FORTRESS noch einmal mit "Insomnia", einem überdurchschnittlich gutem Song, der auch ein schönes Bass-Solo enthält(!).
Alles in Allem kann man getrost "To Harvest The Artifacts Of Mockery" auf Repeat stellen und den Rest vergessen, dass dabei das gesamte Album dann nicht so gut aussieht ist schade, aber nächstes Mal dürfen es dann auch ruhig mal ein paar mehr Tempiwechsel in Songs sein, denn Eintönigkeit ist vielleicht böse, aber auf Dauer auch sehr langweilig, in diesem Sinne 3,5 von 5 Punkten!

0 of 8 found this review helpful

Illdisposed - Return From Tomorrow
In the league with SATAN
Date: 20 Jul 2007

one the heaviest and most satanic records ever recorded!

0 of 3 found this review helpful

Panzerchrist - Battalion Beast
By: fleisch
Date: 14 Jun 2007

yeah thaht´s great blackmetal with the frontman of illdisposed, boe summer rulez!

3 of 9 found this review helpful

95 pages: 1 2 3 ... 93 94 95 


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