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 There are 948 Reviews Done 

95 pages: 1 2 3 ... 93 94 95 

Krisiun - AssassiNation
fleisch says:
By: fleisch
Date: 14 Jun 2007

good, hard stuff, brutal death metal with oldstyle trash influences

2 of 2 found this review helpful

Carnivore Diprosopus - Madhouse's Macabre Acts
unprofessional meaning
By: fleisch
Date: 14 Jun 2007

hey, it´s bad stuff, like disgorge and cliteater, i didn´t know that guys, cool..i like extrem brutal music..Fleisch

3 of 15 found this review helpful

Origin - Echoes Of Decimation
Origin - Echoes Of Decimation
By: Waffen
Date: 12 Jun 2007

Blasting off, literally, from the very first note this album sees Origin consolidating themselves in the top ranks of the most brutal bands in the world. With much more intensity and agression than their first 2 albums 'Echoes' rises like undead in a full-on manic assault from the remains of whatever studio it was recorded at (and probably the surrounding area).

Within Origin's blend of insane barbarity lies some great structuring and a surprising variety. Often changing from deep growling vocals to torturous screaming and from blazing technical riffing to sections that are heavier than a truck load of bull's bollocks. Lashing all this down are the solid pounding artillery-like drums. They totally weld together all the other bits into huge metal.

This is so berzerk and furious you just have to be amazed and excited by it. A great album for the car if you have to wake up quick or if you are giving a ride to your younger sibling and their girlfriend/boyfriend or even better..........parents or in-laws.

10 of 11 found this review helpful

Immortal - Battles In The North
Battles In The North
By: Waffen
Date: 9 Jun 2007

This an early classic of Norse Black Metal. Im not quite sure what Abbath and Demonaz were upto with some of the stupidest corpsepaint ever and stomping about like they were in a shampoo advert but it makes this CD one of the all time greats.

Starting off like an avalanche or a fat fucker covered in cooking pots falling down a few miles of stairs at 100Mph and continuing in the same way through the next, awesomly titled 'Grim and Frostbitten Kingdoms' all the way to the final anthemic sortie into Immortal's wierd world of Blashyyrkh.

Its a love it or hate it album, no question about that but the rawness of the production, bad english and tounge in cheek humour make a great mix and it seems to have made Battles in the North into one of the best and most original Black Metal albums ever made.

12 of 13 found this review helpful

Negator - Die Eisernen Verse
Negator - Die Ersten Vers
By: Kundalini
Date: 15 Apr 2007

Fast, "brutal" but beautiful.

0 of 8 found this review helpful

Brain Drill - Parasites, The
Brain Drill -The Parasites
By: Waffen
Date: 13 Apr 2007

Make yourself a mental image of the following;

Incarcerated inside the deepest dungeon of the deepest castle of the deepest forest for all eternity. There you awaken from a drugged slumber and the cell door is slightly ajar. Inquisitivley you open the door and peer into the grey gloom beyond. There is nothing, save a hallway that dissapears into the darkness.

Theres no sound so you decide to venture out and figure out why you're there. After 20 paces ragged undead hands flash out from all sides and hold you fast. Suddenly a light flashed into your face and an indescribable screeching pierces the tunnel. You blink and there is a wraith-like figure stood infront of you.

He whips out a fuckin' mighty syringe full of black swirling liquid and slams the needle into the top of your head. You stand helpless as the liquid is forced into your skull and then he withdraws the empty syringe. You blink and he is gone.

The undead limbs return you to the cell where you feel pressure build inside your skull to immense proportions and it feels like your head is 10 times its normal size. You drift outside your body then back inside your skull, there you see a team of midget brain ninjas with baulpine hammers coated in shards of serrated tungsten. They begin to hammer at your cranium and frontal lobe with their weapons of agony for hours and hours and hours. Blood and pieces of your head pour out from your nostrils and anus. Eventually you pass out and die from the pain and blood loss.

Thats what listening to this album is comparable to.



11 of 16 found this review helpful

Gorelord - Force Fed On Human Flesh
Gorelord - Force Fed On Human Flesh
By: Waffen
Date: 13 Apr 2007

I can't believe this album is now 6 years old. I remember the day I heard a sample track from it. I was totally blown away but its sheer downtuned sludgery.
From the very start of the opening track '10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 6, 6' it is a massive quest through gore, horror and zombies. I always imagine myself with rubber chainmail gloves having to swim through a river of churned up and charred undead carcasses in some fucked-up gameshow when I listen to this.
There are some well beeftastic banging riffs going on with funny undead vocals all the while. Its simple, mainly slow but not lacking in brutality one little bit. Chuck in some fine horror movie samples and some of the funniest song titles in the genre.
One of my all time favourites.


3 of 4 found this review helpful

Ghoul - We Came For The Dead!!!
Ghoul - We Came For The Dead
By: Sharangir
Date: 16 Sep 2006

A great album. Goregrind with lots of Thrash influences and a tint of humor, what do I need to say more. A lot of the songs on the album are very catchy, and stick in your head for a while. The vocals consist out of Carcass-like vocals, deep, low grunts and rough gargles coming from the insides of a monster. The Guitars riffs are violent, thrashy, harsh and gives you the urge to move your head back and forth. Drums are tight, grinding, blasting, fast.

A lot of variety in the songs, kick ass solos, not the most technical you've heard but they certainly need shredding skills. The intros of some songs have a big Horror atmosphere. Gore Grindcore, Death Metal and even Thrash fans can congratulate Ghoul for this masterpiece, there's not really a bad thing to say about this album.

7 of 8 found this review helpful

95 pages: 1 2 3 ... 93 94 95 


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