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Shh, don't tell the algore
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Liberia cjjeepercreeper


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:29 am   Post subject: Shh, don't tell the algore Reply with quote

What irony. Mr. Green

The fuckwad is in Oslo accepting his award, and its snowing all over the country. The ski resort near me, Durango Mountain (formerly Purgatory) has received almost 6 feet of snow in the past week, and its still coming down by the bucketload. Silly

Global warming, now termed climate change, and when I was in high school it was the next ice age. What a bunch of fucking morons. Mr. Green
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:05 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote


Read this:,9171,944914,00.html
(notice the date on the article) Mr. Green
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 1:54 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Cool link, CJ. During the seventies, we used to have 6 feet of snow in the winter. I remember the dog walking over the fence via a snow bridge. And I was playing between walls of snow.

Anyway, now you need a Scrat and a nut LOL

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 2:55 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not a fan of the global warming hype too, but I'm also not totally against the whole commercial badaboom
1. we can't fucking know what's going to happen for several reasons. the main reason: there are too many parameters to even get the slightest clue of what we can expect.

2. some articles (especially the ones of the UN and a lot of US magazines,...) write scenarios that have more links with Hollywood than the real world (e.g. the ice age nonsense or the "earth's going to end up like Venus" bullshit)
others totally deny there's any changes at hand

3. if the parameters are diminished and the whole measurement gets simplified, then the human input leads to enormous and desastrous changes. But yet again, there are many possible scenarios.

But if a lot of parameters have their weight, then human input is almost diminished to zero (e.g. the total release of CO2 on earth, during a timescale of a few 100.000 years is estimated a 0,3%, though it keeps increasing (pretty much logical), the biggest source of CO2 are firestorms and volcanic eruptions (especially supervolcanoes))

4. there's only one thing sure: there are changes at hand, but what kind of changes and how drastic they are, we can't know at all. the changes might be caused by nature itself or by nature and mankind combined.

but it's not necessary to mock with Al Gore and similar persons. the reason for the pardoxal articles,... is not their fault. it's cause this "problem" is way to big to predict what's going to happen

but it's true the world is warming up, but this doesn't mean it's happening right next to your door immediatly. you laugh with it, cause there's a lot of snow now in big parts of north america. I do understand it, cause it seems paradoxal with the "global warming".

Let my try to explain it a bit: if such a huge systam as world's climate gets disturbed (by e.g. warming up). then it's very much possible some (big) regions suffer extreme heat, while others will suffer extreme coldness/snowstorms/... the bigger effects of this global warming will only be seen in a short geological period, which can easily be 10.000 years. This means that the smaller effects can exist for a long long time. In this case: there's a big chance you guys will get a lot of snow the next decades, which contradicts the global warming. but if you would be able to study your region for over 1000 years, you would also notice a warming up. through time the snowstorms would diminish and eventually they would vanish.

maybe an example will make this a bit more understandable:
imagine a huge building in which a couple of thousands people work.
if the fire alarm would be turned on, there would be chaos. some people would do like the instructions say (be calm, search for the fire exit,... bla bla), others would start crying and staying at their spot in shock, while most people would panic and would try to get as fast as possible out of the building, they would even go over dead bodies just to save themselves.

if there's spoken about global warming, and you expect that the temperature would increase immediatly. That would be the same as implying that every single person of the building would immediatly follow the instructions, that every single person would stay calm, and walk outside in a calm nice way. or that everybody would freak out and stay at their spot in total shock,...

I hope you understand what I mean. my english (and my speeching skills) isn't (/aren't) good enough to be completely understandable in more difficult texts/discussions. combined with a chaotic mind it gets completely messed up.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 5:07 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

U may laugh as U want, but nature will prevail in the end.. black metal \m/..

Edit by pesa: I'm so sorry... This was my first "quote" after be promoved to mod... I edited Misa's message thinking it was a "quote"... I erased part of its content... Now I know what I can't do Peace
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:50 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

[quote="misanthrone"].U may laugh as U want, but nature will prevail in the end.. black metal \m/..[/quote]

Yep, and that's what is so damn funny about all the alarmism. Peace
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:33 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

U may laugh as U want, but nature will prevail in the end..

Eheh, misa & CJ, but all this is about energy (e=mc2)... As long as we are capable to produce more and more energy, we will be alowed to surpass "nature" on this issue.

Please, don't underestimate our capacity to get the wrong way Sad
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:07 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm just waiting for the next big meteorite.
there already crashed a few big ones into earth (e.g.: 251 million years ago the change of Perm to Trias, 95% of marine life got extinct by a meteorite)

or the next eruption of a supervolcano Grin
most likely the next supervolcano erupting will be Yellowstone
the volcano erupts in small cycles from 70,000 til 100.000 years
those eruptions are little eruptions.
but the cataclysmic eruptions go by cycles between 600,000 and 900,000 years. The last cataclysmic eruption was 640,000 years ago

and USGS monitors everything, from earthquakes to grounddeformation (by increasement or decreasement of magma in the chamber(s))
in November there were 69 earthquakes, which is quite normal
and in the last 37 months there's been a ground uplift of 17cm.

we'll probably will never have the change to experience the next eruption. and I guess most of you wouldn't even want to experience it, cause it would probably be one with devastating consequences.
but one thing is sure, there will be future cataclysmic eruptions by Yellowstone or by a lot of other supervolcanoes (e.g. Blake River, Lake Taupo, Lake Toba, La Garita Caldera,...)

I still want to study geology, and specialize me into vulcanology, did you notice? Silly
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:17 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Pesa I forgive now, but next time U're in trouble buddy LOL
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:25 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

For the german this, and ull see how wrong President Bush and his guys are about the climate stuff.

The USA are the main blocking country in Bali. All they do is to say all scientific reports about the climate change are wrong....well, they accepted the reports BEFORE the Bali meeting.... good that there are elections next year. maybe the new president will change the USamerican attidtude towards climate and CO2. Let us all hope so
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:54 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Climate change is real, but it is very very silly to think we are really much of the cause of it. If you sift through the almost religious eco-whacko bullshit and come out the other side with the facts you will see how ridiculous this alarmism is.

As for Bali, if what they are proposing is anything at all like Kyoto, it is just plain WRONG. Penalizing the developed countries and letting the "developing" countries slide smacks of socialism, even communism.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:06 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

@CJ: I guess I agree with the first alinea of your reply, though I'm not sure of it.

oh, one more thing: it's pure bullshit if they state Antarctica is melting. Only a few parts of Antarctica are melting, mainly cause of the warmer water surrounding those parts (e.g. the western peninsula)
The main part of Antarctica is (in contrary of what is believed) gaining snow- and/or icemass. There are huge parts where the snowfall has never been as high as now.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:25 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Cj, isnt it strange, that a country like Costa Rica does more for the environment then the USA? and btw USA is one of the biggest dirt producers in the world. So it is good when USA gets destrictions. Just as the same with Europe and other countries ...
How can it be anyways, that reports are accepted, and then, when it goes about the restrictions, are denied? strange enuff.
U americans should do, as Arnold does in California. Think about your environment, and take care of it. drive smaller cars, not everyone need a pickup :p

In my opinion the Kyoto Protokoll was a very good thing. Thus we need something new after 2012. And it cannot be, that all 1st world country take part, and only USA not. U know, the EU is even talking about boycotts...think about that.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:44 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

@cherubian: you also have to imagine what consequences it would have for huge (industrial) countries like the US. Imagine that Bush says: "ok, we going to try to diminish our CO2-emission"
a huge part of world's biggest companies is located in industrial countries like the US and EU-countries. It has extreme consequences when a politician decides to do something about the emissions. It would not make him beloveth at all, and that's the main reason why a lot of politicians are unwilling to take such actions.

I don't say I support them, but at least I understand their motivation(s)
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:49 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote


or This

I agreee with u, that humans are not the main changers of climate. but we do our work, thus we need to get the emissions down as much as possible. And here I also adress the USA

Ha, right. I understand why politicians dun want to reduce emissions, but something has to be done NOW and not in fifty years....and especially the USA CAN do sth as we see in Governator Schwarzeneggers California.
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