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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 11:06 am   Post subject: Requesting: READ THIS FIRST Reply with quote

Hey fuckers!
When you want to request that we get an album here, put a fucking link to the album so we know what the hell you are referring to. Besides, some bands have good albums and shitty ones. You wouldn't want us checking out the wrong thing and then thinking you have shitty taste, would you? Wink

Posting the link is pretty easy:
When making a post, click on the little button at the top right that says URL
This will appear: [url]
Change it so it looks like this: [url=http: //your fucking link here ]
Then after the bracket type something to signify the link: Link, Album Name, etc.
Then when you are all done with that, click the URL button again.
In the end, it should look like this (without the spaces):
[url= http: // your fucking link here] Album Name Here [/url]
That's it.

You can post the album cover by using the Img button. Click it, paste the link to the image, then click the Img button again. (And we all know there are some pretty wicked album covers out there, so spend the extra minute and link it up for us to see)

There you have it. If you have questions ask, but for fuck's sake at least post the link. Twisted Evil
"I play music on here I like or can at least tolerate. This is actually (but where's the marketability in that?). "
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 2:49 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

This is a snip from another thread with some tweaks. I thought it might be helpful if it were in the sticky. Thanks!

Bascially my playlist criteria is:

1. Sound Quality - No garage sounding demos or black metal bands that think playing with less production is better.

2. Hard Vocals - The album must have SOME hard vocals that come resemble typical death or black metal. The more gothier bands here have less of this but if I feel they have enough to qualify, I add the whole album to the playlist even though some songs may have not hard vocals at all.

3. Kick Ass - Frankly, I have to at least not hate it. I listen to this station too. If I introduce bands in the playlist that I don't like then I start to lose the passion of maintaining this great station.

Bands not being added anytime soon:
Napalm Death
Brutal Truth
"It's all Venger's fault! We oughtta do something about that guy. " -Eric

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:05 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's another helpful tip: Title the thread with the band name. That will make it easy for everyone to know what the post is about and to reply. It will also avoid duplications. (remember you can also use the search tool)

I would also recommend keeping it one band per thread.
"I play music on here I like or can at least tolerate. This is actually (but where's the marketability in that?). "
USA JERIC RIP (subscribed member)
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 9:14 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

I upgraded this from a "Sticky" to an "Annoucement. So we can't say "read the sticky" anymore. Smile
"It's all Venger's fault! We oughtta do something about that guy. " -Eric

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:15 am   Post subject: Reply with quote


Due to the massive amount of requests being submitted, please add a poll to your request. You can see almost every thread at SST has this and it looks good. It will help me with deciding on which albums to add. The poll should be 3 choices, similar to 1. add it 2. don't add it 3. not sure

Remember, the easier you make it for me, the better the chances of it getting added. I want to see how this works before I make it mandatory.

I also plan on consolidating these posts into one, in an easier to read form at a later day.
"It's all Venger's fault! We oughtta do something about that guy. " -Eric

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 8:33 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Also, please use the new request form and stick with the format it enforces: one album per topic. This is the preferred request format.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:24 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

diginferno wrote:
Also, please use the new request form and stick with the format it enforces: one album per topic. This is the preferred request format.

I think some folks thought that the one album only format was a glitch or error, I know I did and made a request or 2 forcing in other albums. It wasn't made clear until just the other day that this was intentional.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:09 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

One more thing about the new request tool that I've noticed. There are 3 default poll options. There are 3 for a reason. You can change the wording, but do NOT delete one option and leave it with only 2. The third option is just as important as the first 2.
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