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[Not A Discussion] but a Hommage to Brazilian Metal Fans

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Germany Dami

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:38 pm   Post subject: [Not A Discussion] but a Hommage to Brazilian Metal Fans Reply with quote

Heya gals & boys,

so in the last few years I've been opening up and have been sharing some of my material, might it be video, pictures, music or in this case lyrics. Here's some adoration I have for the Brazilian Metal Scene, although the lyrics have been created in a very swift manner. Some of you might not agree with the undertones here and there and that's perfectly ok, it's just something I thought I could share and some of you might like. Enjoy! (or disregard this if you don't like it). I might record a song with these lyrics some day or I might not. But I promise, if this ever gets recorded, you'll get a free download!

And of course, the lines with the // are comments or ideas I have had, but which might not be "needed" in the final lyrics or just feel out of place. Something which could need improvement and the likes.

"You, who liveth in the shrouds of darkness
You, clandestine though fearless
Living in the shadows with vigilant eyes
dissecting truth and sermons of light

Hunting among the greatest adversity
// Outnumbered but never outgunned
deep in the heart of the enemy

We share your plight and respect your strength
WE are the knives cutting through the night
The souls marching under the light of (a/the) fullmoon
burning flames in the deepest silence

Hunting among the greatest adversity
// Outnumbered but never outgunned
deep in the heart of the enemy

When a night lights the embers
When a roar unites latent spirits
The fiery glance roams to the hill
A symbol of anger, a symbol of will

And through torment
and through disdain
and through barriers
Brazilian warriors stand tall!"

I'd be happy if some brazilian warriors might be so kind to translate this into their native tongue. I guess online translators do a shitty job with this. Want to see? But it sounds cool to me.

Você, que vive nas coberturas das trevas
Você, clandestino, embora destemido
Vivendo nas sombras com olhos vigilantes
dissecando a verdade e sermões de luz

Caça entre as maiores adversidades
Em menor número, mas nunca mais
Bem no coração do inimigo

Partilhamos a sua situação e respeitar sua força
Nós somos as facas de corte durante a noite
As almas marchando sob a luz da fullmoon (um/a)
chamas a queimar no mais profundo silêncio

Caça entre as maiores adversidades
Em menor número, mas nunca mais
Bem no coração do inimigo

Quando uma noite acende as brasas
Quando um rugido une espíritos latentes
O olhar ardente vagueia para a colina
Um símbolo de raiva, um símbolo da vontade

E através do tormento
e através de desdém
e através de barreiras
Guerreiros brasileiros em pé!
This is Schäuble. Copy Schäuble into your signature to help him on his way to Überwachungsstaat.
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