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Djibouti supersmoke RIP (subscribed member)
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:38 pm   Post subject: ATTENTION MEMBERS OF DFM!!!!! Reply with quote

It has come to the attention of the moderators, and at this point the Owners of DFM, that there have been some very bad attitudes on this station. People have been fighting, arguing, bickering, threatening, and anything inbetween and outside in the chat, forums, and even dedications. Those of us in charge of handling the community here, as well as many of the members as well, are sick and tired of it.

It WILL stop right here and now.

If not, then people will be removed from the site outright. Mods have issued enough warnings to certain individuals, to no avail. The next step is site bans.

These fights stemmed from many different things:

Egos. My genre is better than your's. Immaturity. Etc...

At this point, the reasons are irrelevant. All the the mods and owners care about at this point is that it STOPS RIGHT NOW. We are (mostly) adults on this station, but we have adults here acting like 10 year olds.

So, there will be no more fighting in chat or forums. If you are being antagonized, PM a mod, and we will handle it. If you fight back, then you'll both be in trouble.
There will be no more "this sucks" comments, in forums AND chat. If you don't like it, simply say "no it's not my cup of tea," or even say nothing at all. This includes putting goddamn sleeping smilies in chat to incline that the music is putting you to sleep.
There will be no more genre wars period. If I see that picture of the kid praying to "make it stop" one more time I will flip out. The intolerance that members on here show towards other members who like something different is out of hand and it needs to be eliminated.
If you have an oversized ego, and you think you and what you listen to are more important than other people and their preferences, then we will be happy to end that arrogance.

The bottom line is: People need to start being more respecful around here. BQ said it herself in chat yesterday that it's ridiculous that people have so much freedom on this site and the queue, yet they will bicker and fight over everything. You all are the DJs on this station. It's a privilege, but also a responsibility, so grow up and start being respectful towards your fellow members.

Now, on to the subject of "The long queue and requesting long songs." There have been several threads on this. The majority of which have been locked and graveyarded because people can't hold a reasonable discussion about it without getting pissy and turning into children about it.

Here is how the queue works right now: If the queue is over 2 hours, songs with lengths that exceed 13:20 cannot be requested. If the queue is under 2 hours, then songs exceeding that length can be requested. This was a change made by Jeric and BQ, because there are many songs that saw almost no airtime when the limit was at 9:50. So if the queue hits 1:59.00, then someone can request a song of any length. That is legitimate. During peak hours on 5-6 days out of the week, the queue will sit over 3 hours. The station has become more popular within the past several months, and people need to realize that there is a lot of music that goes unrequested because of the limit in place.

The ongoing discussions about the current playlist limits will stay the way there are. Please refrain from getting upset if someone's opinion differs from your own. As of now, they will not be changing anytime soon. We will be happy to listen to opinions and ideas about it by PMs and the mods can compile the PMs into a thread in our forums to see how people feel about it without having to worry about someone else bashing on them.

Thank you for your future cooperation and understanding of these issues.
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